Melissa Tapper Goldman  |


selected recent

media making
Subjectified, Do Tell 

Salon a/ b/ c, The Awl, Pacific Standard, Nylon, Medium, Huffington Post, Lilith a/ b/ c/ d, Jewcy by Tablet Magazine, The Forward’s Jew & the Carrot, F****** While Feminist Podcast by Jaclyn Friedman, Role/Reboot and The Frisky, MIT’s Thresholds Journal of Architecture, Art & Media, growingCities Urban Agriculture Blog, The Art of Placemaking

in other people’s words
Newsweek, Huffington Post, Salon, Cosmopolitan, Alternet, Shape, RH Reality Check, Glamour, Adios Barbie

mtg3d, Center for Architecture, Etsy, in the pressAbout.html

works in design, media, writing, and technology \ exhibits a sometimes unhealthy preoccupation with how the sausage is made

She can be reached via email, melissa at alliedfieldsdotcom